What makes a great test?

Ideally tests would be fast, reliable, easy to own, easy to maintain, etc. Let’s make a list that we can use when creating, improving, or evaluating our tests.

Name Definition Notes
Fast At least 1000 test cases per second per CPU core. No network, no disk, no sleeping.
Reliable Multiple runs, with no changes, always give the same results. No network, no race conditions, no system prerequisites.
Independent Can run any 2 tests at the same time with no interference Order independent, leaves system unchanged.
Diagnosable When a test fails, it is immediately obvious why. Tests are well-named and specific. Assertions are rich and informative.
Readable A human familiar with the domain (even non-programmers) can read the test name and test body and understand why this test case matters. Code under test must use in-domain names and expose the right level of detail.
Organized If I wonder “is there a test for this requirement?” I can easily find the corresponding test case (or know that it does not exist). May break the 1 test :: 1 class relationship
Does not impede refactoring Does not depend on implementation details. Changing code in ways that doesn’t affect visible behavior is not made harder by the need to update tests. No mocks (except for TDA.)
Only runs what it’s trying to test No test helpers. No mocks. No setup that’s not about this test case.  
1 defect == 1 test failure If I introduce a single defect, only a single test should fail No n-tier architecture, no “core/common” code that is unowned or owned by a platform team.
Relevant A passing test indicates that something of business value is correct and present in the system. A failing test tells us that something of business value is missing or broken.  
Easy to write The test framework and tooling and language and norms all make it easy to create a new test without a lot of rigamarole.  

(You may notice a lot of overlap with “FIRST-ness”.)

Written on July 8, 2021